What are my art projects?

For many years I have been writing beyond my research texts, especially poetry, from time to time there are short stories (previously unpublished). This writing and my need to record my aesthetic experiences, for a visual expression of my reflections, but certainly also inspired by my academic research, led to the creation of the artistic concept of a photo essay. The concept outlined in the two photo series presented below is a combination of fine art photography - done with my mobile phone and poetry. The picture inspires the creation of the words. Words are not metaphors in that concept, but rather verses with which I reflexively describe, or perhaps supplement, these visual, targeted experiences. However, it is not a question of continuity in these photo series, my concern here is to create a complete work. The series I have decided to publish here are completed, even if conceptually there would be room for continuation. The series is not random, but deliberate, from the first to the last element. The shifts in the sequence are conceivable, but I do not really strive for that. "Atlantic Coast" was created in July 2018 on the beach of Saunton Sands, North Devon, and reflects what occupied me during this time, and those were interpersonal relationships, - the beach pictures, even if they may not have anything to do with them at first, ultimately became a visual, aesthetic platform into which I project these aspects of relationships with words. "Theatre Forest", created in May 2020 in Hamburg am Alster Lauf, is obviously an expression of a fundamental turning point, or rather a phase. Here, too, the words are brought out of the pictures and reflexively projected into them again.

"Fog" is an impression of the river Elbe from 2019. The opacity of the future. The nuance of the line shift but also that one blurred form the subtle change in the construction of the picture, which is barely visible but still means progress.

The works will be presented as WOLDT concept

In the Sense of Memory

Bio-Mind Memory Processes and Art

Woldt concept, Bio-Mind Memory Processs and Art (1), North Sea, March 2023, "Und auch wenn er nicht hier ist, ist die Welt da", 30sec. Video 

Woldt concept, Bio-Mind Memory Processes and Art (2), "Heat, steel, was there", May, 2023, Video 34 sec. 

Woldt concept, Bio-Mind Memory Processes and Art (2), March 2023, Photography

Footprints. An animal. 

Leaving traces is history in itself. 

They are either taken away, erased by water or wind. What remains? The gaze, the memory of the image, the presence, even when it is long gone. 

Why do people gravitate towards the sea? Is it the place of yearning? The origin? Where do I come from, who am I, where am I going? Why do I enjoy looking to the horizon and listening to the sound of the sea? What kind of memories are glimpsed, or perhaps none at all? The sea is a place of nothing, of what unfolds, even when here and there a surfer visibly struggles with the waves or the silhouette of a ship appears on the horizon, - it remains nothing. 

And yet it is not. Does perception regenerate at this point in this apparent nothingness? 

I pick up the seashell on the beach, I search for a stone that might have a certain formation or coloration, I pick up something that the sea has left behind in its constant ebb and flow and perhaps taken away again. And when one thinks of disasters, the climate catastrophe, then one speaks of the tsunami, the wave of water that could flood the continents as sea levels rise due to continental warming. 

Yet it is the soothing wind that promises cooling in the summer and the (still) cool water that helps the body.

Woldt concept, Bio-Mind Memory Processes and Art (4), Saint-Tropez I, August 2023, Photography

Woldt concept, Bio-Mind Memory Processes and Art (4), Saint-Tropez II, August 2023, Photography

Woldt concept, Bio-Mind Memory Processes and Art (5), Le Cannet I, August 2024, Photography

Woldt concept, Bio-Mind Memory Processes and Art (5), Le Cannet II, August 2024, Photography

Woldt concept, Bio-Mind Memory Processes and Art (6), L'isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Photography


Photo Essay, April 2022

we have spoken

Photo Essay, March 2022

 Atlantic Coast

Photo Essay Lyrics, 2018

North Devon Saunton Sands Beach © Dr. Isabella Woldt 

Theatre Forest

Photo Essay Lyrics, 2020, © Dr Isabella Woldt


photoseries, © Dr. Isabella Woldt