Teaching Courses List

Please find below the teaching list and projects managed so far. I welcome new appointments

Dr. phil Isabella Woldt


Since September 2020 MSH Medical School Hamburg, University of Applied Science, and Medical University

Acting Chair Professor for Art Theory and Artistic Practice, Course Leading in Expressive Arts in Social Transformation (EAST), Intermedial Art Therapy, Art Analog Coaching

Institute for the History of Art, Hamburg University

ST 2013 Seminar: Berlin-Warsaw-Saint Petersburg, Andreas Schlüter and the Aristocratic Estates ca. 1701

WS 2012/2013 Seminar: Bernini and Borromini. Concepts of Spaces in the Baroque Architecture in Rome (one-week excursion to Rome)

WT 2011/2012 Seminar: Methods of Description in Architecture. Teaching methods Seminar, Hamburg Architecture as Example

WT 2010/2011 Seminar: The Italian Renaissance Villa and its Reception in Baroque and Classicism

WT 2009/2010 Seminar: The Visibility of Politics. The Architecture of the Houses of Parliaments, 18-20th Century (+ Excursion to Berlin and Straßburg)

ST 2009 Seminar: Prague as a Royal Residence (with an excursion to Prague)

ST 2008 Advanced Seminar: Aby M. Warburg, the Hamburg School and the Foundation of the Modern "Bildwissenschaft"

WT 2006/2007 Advanced Seminar: In the Shadow of Berlin and Warsaw. The Architecture of Aristocratic Estates in Duchy Prussia and North Poland, 17-19th Century (in collaboration with participants from the Institute for the History of Art, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)

Excursion: North Poland, Royal and Aristocratic Residencies 16-19th Century (in collaboration with Prof. Tadeusz Zuchowski, Institute for the History of Art, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)

ST 2005 Advanced Seminar: Art and Architecture in Krakow 1400-1800 (+ Excursion to Krakow)

WT 1994/1995 Teaching Assistant to Prof. Martin Warnke's Seminar: Conservative Theories of Culture

Institute for Philosophy, Hamburg University

WT 2007/2008 Seminar: Nature and Freedom in the Aesthetics of Early Enlightenment

ST 2004 Undergraduate Seminar: Lord Shaftesbury's Theory of Art and Aesthetics

Institute for the History of Art, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland)

ST 2003 Lecture-Series: Painting and Sculpture in the Early Modern Time (Part 2)

Advanced Seminar: Palladio and Palladianism, also in Poland (Part 2)

Seminar: Political Iconography, Methods Practice Seminar, Wilanow Royal Estate in Warsaw as an Example (Part 2) (+ Excursion to Warsaw)

Excursion to Krakow (5 Days 19.-23. May 2003)

WT 2002-2003 Lecture-Series: Painting and Sculpture in the Early Modern Times (Part 1)

Advanced Seminar: Palladio and Palladianism, also in Poland (Part 1)

Seminar: Political Iconography: Methods practice seminar on the Example of Wilanow Royal Estate in Warsaw (Part 1)

ST 2002 Seminar: Theory and Practice in History Painting, 16-18th Century, Western Europe, Netherlands, Germany (Part 2)

WT 2001/2002 Seminar: Theory and Practice in History Painting, 16-18th Century, Western Europe, Italy, France, United Kingdom (Part 1)

Workshops, Conferences, Projects & Management

2014-2018 Leader of the research Project: Im Reich der Sinne. Tapestries as Repositories of Information and Mediators of Knowledge from the Early Renaissance, as a member and fellow of the International Research Group "Bilderfahrzeuge. Aby Warburg's Legacy and the Future of Iconology", The Warburg Institute, London

2017 Concept of the Workshop: Warburg beyond Europe (in collaboration with Babette Schnitzlein, Linda Baez Rubí, both Bilderfahrzeuge Research Group)

5-7 April 2018 Concept and Chair of the conference panel: The Weavers Workshop. Materiality, craft and efficacies in the art of tapestry, AAH 2018, Annual Conference of the Association for Art History, Courtauld Institute of Art and King's College, London) (in collaboration with Katja Schmitz-von Ledebur, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna)

25-26 April 2016 Conference management: Das Verirrte Kunstwerk. Funktion und Rezeption vom Wege abgekommener 'Bilderfahrzeuge', Annual Conference of the International Research Group "Bilderfahrzeuge", Warburg Haus, Hamburg (in collaboration with Uwe Fleckner and Elena Tolstichin)

2005-2017 Co-Editor of Aby Warburg Collected Works (Gesammelte Schriften. Studienausgabe), Akademie Verlag, Berlin, Munich

2005-2010 Leader of the research project: In the Shadow of Berlin and Warsaw. The Architecture of Aristocratic Estates in Duchy Prussia and North Poland, 17-19th Century (in collaboration Tadeusz Zuchowski, Institute for the History of Art, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)

2007 Workshop concept and management: In the Shadow of Berlin and Warsaw. The Architecture of Aristocratic Estates in Duchy Prussia and North Poland, 17-19th Century (in collaboration with Tadeusz Zuchowski, Institute for the History of Art, Poznan, Poland, and Christiane Salge, Institute for the History of Art, FU Berlin)

03./10. 2006 Concept and management of the International Warburg-Kolleg: Die Nationalisierung der Kunst / The Making of National Art, Institute for the History of Art, Hamburg, Warburg Haus (in collaboration with Matthias Krüger und Uwe Fleckner)
